What is the water challenge?
Daily Emails.
​Succinct emails for 10 days with information on the important of hydration and recommendations to help you hydrate.
A private Facebook group to ask questions, share successes, and encourage fellow participants.
I, Emily, always aim to bring love to whatever I do and help YOU feel supported in your health & wellness goals.
Hi! I'm Emily, plant-based nutritionist and water enthusiast!
I have seen the power of proper hydration in so many of my 1-on-1 clients and love bringing education and encouragement to a group community through this water challenge. I'm also a full-time entrepreneur, mom, wife, friend, masters student... you get the picture, I have a lot going on and I too can forget to drink my water. So I'm in this challenge with you the whole way!
I hope you'll join in the water drinking fun!
“I am feeling so much better and calmer”
Laura | Water Challenger 2020
“Water challenge was great and I am not going to stop. I need this mindfulness on water while home and will continue to increase my water intake!”
Janet | Water Challenger 2020
“I've told my friends to join your challenges because they are so fun!”
Linda | Water Challenger 2020