Join me for the Healing Earth Health Conference! This is a great opportunity for those who care about your diet and how it impacts the climate.
I helped Dr. Daniel Chong and Dr. Russell Marz bring this conference to fruition last year and we're back again.
Date: April 24, 2021
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Anywhere and everywhere - it's a virtual event
Dr. Vivian Chen
Brenda Davis, RD
Dr. David Katz
James Maskell
Dr. Vandana Shiva
Dr. Kathy Yeo
Speakers will be addressing topics that can move us towards a healthier, more sustainable, and more connected planet. There will be focus on nutrition, motivation to change behavior, what is a natural diet and lifestyle, and Dr. Katz presentation will conclude the day entitled, "Eating Like our World Depends on It". We seek to contribute to this movement by providing high-quality education in both the practical and theoretical sectors, from the most forward-thinking, respected and sought-after speakers in the world."
There are pending continuing education credits for NDs and RDs, but the event is open to the public at large.
Early bird price ends this week for the 2021 conference. Registered attendees will receive access to the recordings if you aren't able to join for the entire day.