January is usually not the time most people think about in-season produce but there is delectable produce this month! Learn more about three of my favorite January foods:

I love how sweet yet earthy beets are. There are many ways to eat beets such as roasted, sautéed, grated fresh, pureed and more. You can also marinate beets so they take on different flavors. My dad is not a beet fan, but when marinated he has ended up enjoying them! My Plantiful Plate Members have seen beets prepared in a myriad of ways in my recipes. Other than the taste, I love the nutritional benefits beets offer including vitamin C and iron.

Brussel Sprouts
Are you a fan of brussel sprouts? I know they can be a polarizing vegetable. Honestly, I've had some bad brussel sprouts in my day. There is a difference between fresh brussel sprouts and older ones. The older they are, the more bitter they are. There is also a difference in preparation. As brussel sprouts have become more mainstream, you see them on restaurant menus, often as a fried appetizer. I don't prefer my food dripping with oil and we all know that doesn't help our bodies perform at their best. I like steamed, baked, shaved, and smashed, to name a few alternatives to fried. Vitamin C and calcium are two great health benefits of chowing down on brussel sprouts.

Tangy, colorful and juicy, pomegranates are a great addition to both sweet and savory meals. Check out my Instagram to learn the best way to get out pomegranate seeds. You can use pomegranate juice in dressings, sauces, etc. However, I often like to add fresh pomegranate seeds to dishes. On salads or roasted vegetables they are delicious. For breakfast, throw them on top of oatmeal. They can also be added to desserts. Chocolate and pomegranate are also a great combo. My Plantiful Plate Members have my chocolate pudding recipe - top it with pomegranate for an added punch. Vitamin C and potassium are two nutritional benefits to eating pomegranates!
Even in winter, you can eat fresh!